Millet salad
gluten-free, vegan, dairy-free, nut-free
Millet Salad
Not just for budgies, millet is tasty and nutritious for humans too. It’s a good source of fibre, magnesium, and B-vitamins, and is completely gluten-free.
If you’re stuck in a pasta rut try this colourful millet salad instead. And make a big batch so you’ve got plenty for leftovers the next day.
1 cup millet, rinsed & drained
½ a butternut squash, diced
1 handful of Swiss chard or kale
1 cup green beans, chopped
1tspn minced garlic
1 dessertspoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon of good-quality virgin olive oil or avocado oil
1 handful chopped tomatoes
1 handful chopped parsley
Coat the diced butternut squash in melted coconut oil and roast in a 180* oven.
Bring 1.5 cups water to the boil then simmer the millet till all the water is absorbed.
Gently heat the olive or avocado oil in a shallow frying pan, then add the garlic, chard, and green beans, and lightly sauté until soft.
Toss all the ingredients in a large bowl, and garnish with parsley and tomatoes. Enjoy!