by Sally | Jan 7, 2014 | Recipes
The spectrum of colours in this salad highlight the range of powerful antioxidant nutrients in the foods. Great for immune health and energy levels it makes a tasty accompaniment to grilled chicken, fish or lentil bake 🙂
In a large bowl mix together chopped cooked beetroot, sliced mango, pomegranate seeds, 2 handfuls of mixed leaves (rocket, watercress, lambs lettuce, pea shoots, spinach – any green leaves); sliced avocado and a tablespoon of pine nuts.
Dress with a blend of flax oil, wholegrain mustard and lemon juice.
by Sally | Jan 7, 2014 | Recipes
These fantastic juice ideas are from the ‘Innocent Little Book of Drinks’. Simple, tasty and guaranteed to wake you up!
#1 – Spinach and Spice
2-3 big handfuls of fresh spinach
2 large apples (preferably Royal Gala if you can get them)
1/2 lemon
Grated nutmeg
Remove the stalk from the spinach and put the leaves through the juicer. Put the juice in a jug. Cut the apples into wedges, juice and add to the jug. Add the lemon juice and grated nutmeg, stir well and serve.
#2 – Carrot & Pink Grapefruit
5 carrots
2 pink grapferuits
Top and tail the carrots, put through the juicer and pour into a jug. Squeeze the grapefruits and add the juice to the jug. Mix and drink.
#3 – Peach and Redcurrant
1 apple (Royal Gala if possible)
1 large juicy peach
1 orange
2-3 handfuls of redcurrants or raspberries (fresh or frozen)
Cut the apple into wedges, put through the juicer and pour the juice into a blender. Halve the peach, remove the stone and place the halves in the blender. Squeeze the orange into the blender. Add the redcurrants/raspberries and whizz everything until smoth.