Wake Up Water! Inspiring ideas to help you drink more water everyday – #1 Small Step
It’s easy to get to the end of the day and realise you haven’t drunk enough water.
The familiar sensations of a mid-afternoon energy slump, headache, muscle aches and cramps are all signs that your body needs a drink (of water!).
The debate continues about whether tap, filtered, or mineral is best for our health, and there are pros and cons on both sides.
Unless you’re lucky enough to live near a natural spring, good quality mineral water usually (with a few exceptions) comes in single-use plastic bottles. As a result, the environmental consequences and exposure to plastic chemicals far outweighs the beneficial mineral content of the drink.
Filtered water has lower levels of chemical residues, but again, filter jugs are usually plastic. Glass ones are becoming more widely available though, and it’s worth investing in one if you can.
There’s no easy solution to the conundrum of plastic bottles and I don’t have clear answers! But, I do know we all need to hydrate regularly over the day, especially when managing low energy or digestive problems like constipation.
Aim to sip regularly rather than gulping down a large glass in one go, and limit drinks at mealtimes to avoid diluting your digestive juices.
Drinking more water is a simple and easy first step to take on the road to wellbeing.
If you find plain water a bit dull try these natural alternatives to wake it up!
Use a large glass Mason jar, or glass bottle and leave to infuse for 3-4 hours or overnight for full flavour. Pop them in the fridge, or if like me you don’t like cold water, leave the bottle at room temperature, out of direct sunlight.
- Fresh lemon & lemon balm zingy and calming at the same time. Lemon balm is traditionally used to soothe nerves and calm anxiety.
- Fresh lemon and mint perfect pick-me-up for when you’re tired and flagging, or as an after dinner digestive aid.
- Fresh squeezed pomegranate juice and mint squeeze the fruit and scoop out the seeds to add to a salad. Mix the juice with water and mint leaves. Pomegranate is packed with antioxidants to help us process toxins.
- Cucumber, mint, and lime another cooling, uplifting drink.
- Raspberries and strawberries chop larger fruits in half, add to water and mix vigorously for a naturally sweet, antioxidant-rich drink.
- Pineapple & orange sweet and tropical – even in Yorkshire!
Keep taking 1 Small Step at a time and you’ll get to where you want to be!
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