Perimenopause Support – A round up of the best articles
Concerned about perimenopause brain fog?
Anxiety levels rising?
Or maybe you’re experiencing uncomfortable vulvo-vaginal symptoms and need some self-care guidance.
I’ve got you covered.
Here’s a round-up of my most recent perimenopause support articles from around the web.
Each one is packed with insights and top nutrition and lifestyle tips to help you manage your menopause, your way.
Perimenopausal Brain Fog: A Nutritionist’s Guide to Thinking Clearly
For many women, cognitive changes like brain fog and memory loss are some of the earliest signs of perimenopause. They creep in along with emotional changes like anxiety and mood swings, long before periods begin to stop. As a nutritionist, I’ve heard from women who fear they are losing their minds and are worried about early onset dementia, when in fact these shifts are all part of the menopausal transition…
Can Menopause Affect Mental Health?
Most people are aware of common menopause symptoms like hot flushes, mood swings, and insomnia. Less well known, however, are the effects menopause can have on mental health.
According to research by Nuffield Health, large numbers of women are struggling to cope with their mental health during menopause and perimenopause among their residing symptoms. Of the women surveyed experiencing symptoms:
– 47% feel depressed
– 37% are experiencing anxiety
– 18% have needed to take time off work because of their menopausal symptoms
How Eating Plant Foods Can Help Ease Symptoms of Perimenopause
During perimenopause, the hormones estrogen and progesterone begin to fluctuate, affecting every part of the body from bones, skin, and hair, to your muscle composition, your cholesterol levels, and even how your brain functions. Many women turn to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to gain relief, but HRT isn’t for everyone and ultimately it just delays the inevitable onset of menopause. Making diet and lifestyle changes, on the other hand, is something anyone can do, and there are several key plant foods that have been proven to help ease perimenopause symptoms.
The Menopausal Vagina: Everything You Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask
Vaginal pain and dryness have to be the least talked about symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, yet an estimated 50-60% of women are affected. A lot of women don’t know how to talk about these symptoms because of upbringings that shroud anything to do with vaginas in an aura of shame and stigma. By the time menopause comes along, women can feel too embarrassed to seek help and suffer in silence.
We’re here to change that attitude. Let’s explore what happens to menopausal vulvas and vaginas (yes, there’s a difference!) and what steps you can take to get relief from painful discomfort…
Managing Midlife Anxiety
Most women are familiar with feelings of anxiety. Whether it’s a few pre-menstrual jitters, anxiety about work, or worrying about your child on their first day at school or college, we know what it’s like to experience that sense of panicky dread and uncertainty. But during midlife, a new kind of anxiety emerges. One with no particular rhyme or reason but enough power to make you think you’re losing your mind.
Katherine Tyack-Grant, from Yorkshire, UK, was in her early forties when she started to experience overwhelming anxiety…
How Pura Collagen Can Support Bone Health
Oestrogen plays a key role in bone health. Once oestrogen levels drop post-menopause, the risk of bone fracture increases significantly. According to statistics from the Royal Osteoporosis Society, 1 in 2 women over the age of 50 will develop osteoporosis, with as many dying from fracture-related causes as from lung cancer.
Oestrogen influences bone health by regulating the activity of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. When oestrogen levels decline after the menopause, osteoclast cells start resorbing bone faster than osteoblasts can build it. This leads to weak bones that are more prone to fracture.
Stress in the Menopause and How to Manage It
The way stress affects us can change during menopause. On top of the usual everyday demands of family, life, and work, our fluctuating hormones risk leaving us more exhausted and frazzled than ever. We may not be able to completely escape stress in the menopause, but there are tips and techniques we can use to manage it…

Enjoyed these articles?
You can discover even more nutrition and lifestyle tips for managing perimenopause and menopause in “Natural Nutrition for Perimenopause – What to eat to feel good and stay sane”.
Available on Amazon or direct from YPD Books, this friendly guidebook covers everything from what perimenopause is and how to spot the signs of change to essential nutrients, supplements, toxins, and lifestyle support.
“Reading this book has helped me understand how my diet and lifestyle can support my body through perimenopause. And it’s written beautifully too.” Amazon Reviewer
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