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50 Different Foods
Eating 50 different foods each week is a great way to feed your gut microbiota. The microbiota is the collective name for the millions of bacteria, yeasts, and fungi living in our digestive system. These bugs work incredibly hard, and are involved in: - Modulating our...

Book Review – ‘Nutrition Brought to Life’ by Kirsten Chick
Nutrition Brought to Life is the first book from holistic nutritional therapist Kirsten Chick - and it's fantastic! Written in Kirsten's trademark accessible style, the book provides a firm grounding in natural nutrition, and how we can truly nourish ourselves...
Seed cycling for hormone balance – is it worth it?
Seed cycling - have you heard of it? It's a technique of eating certain combinations of seeds during the menstrual cycle to help support hormone balance. Many women say seed cycling relieves PMS symptoms and helps maintain a more regular cycle. It's an easy...
Fight Those Winter Bugs – Top Tips for Immune Support
Our immune systems get a real workout at this time of year with cold, flu', and tummy bug germs thriving in warm, dry, centrally heated homes and offices. It's a good idea to top up on immune-supporting nutrients to give your system the best chance of fending off...
Veganuary – Where to find the vitamins & minerals YOU need
Done properly, a plant-based diet can provide nearly all the nutrients we need to thrive. Done badly, a vegan diet is the same as any other poor diet. As a nutritionist I come across all kinds of diets. Vegan, juice fasts, raw food, keto, Paleo, Hay (not chewing on...
Food Trends for 2020
We've had smashed avocado, coconut water and kale everything. Smoothies, juice diets, goji berries, and veganism. Now it's time for 2020 to give us the next big foodie trend. Will it be nettles? Pine needle tea? Or my favourite (and vastly underated) combo of mashed...